Ivo Andika Hasugian
- Email: mniah@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Resilience assessment in the Indonesian rice supply network
- Supervisor: Professor Alison McKay, Dr Richard Chittenden
I am a PhD student at the Insitute of Design, Robotics and Optimization (iDRO) in the School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds. I have been working as a lecturer in the Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), Indonesia.
Research interests
My current research interests are simulation and modeling, especially hybrid simulation. My PhD research looks to develop an understanding of the interaction of three approaches to simulation (System Dynamics, Agent-Based Modeling, and Discrete Event System) on The Resilience Assessment of Indonesian Rice Supply Networks. This research is focused on exploring ways to assess the resilience of rice networks in Indonesia to increase rice production and studying the resilience to various kinds of rice supply chain disruptions.