Fatma Seila

Fatma Seila


Fatma is a PhD student in the Architecture & Urbanism Research Group at the University of Leeds, under the supervision of Professor Gehan Selim and a co-supervisor Dr May Newisar. She has more than 15 years of academic experience, first as an assistant lecturer and then as a lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering at Ghadames University. She also has 5 years of experience in maintaining ancient buildings through her work as an assistant engineer at the Project of Rehabilitation of the Old City of Ghadames executed by UNDP/UNOPS. In addition, she works as a director of the Eyes of Old Ghadames Center, which is a voluntary work to protect and maintain the heritage city of Ghadames

Research interests

Fatma's research will focus on ways to protect heritage buildings. Through the evaluation, criticism and analysis of Libyan laws and regulations governing the management of heritage buildings, as well as their effectiveness in addressing the risks to which these buildings are exposed and the extent to which these regulations and laws keep pace with developments in other countries addressing heritage building risks.

The research will use qualitative methods such as questionnaires, interviews and focus groups on studying a case of Three archaeological sites. Then it will attempt to develop a new framework for the regulations and laws currently in force in Libya.

Architecture & Urbanism Group


  • BSc in construction cost calculation- Ghadames University
  • MSc in advanced project management in construction- The University of Huddersfield