
Results 1 to 5 of 162 in School of Physics and Astronomy

Physics and astronomy 10th work experience week

Year 12 students from across Yorkshire were given hands-on experience of cutting-edge physics and astronomy at the 10th annual Work Experience Week.

A headshot photo of James Trenholme and Dr Frey Wilson

A University of Leeds spinout company has received an investment boost to develop its ground-breaking cyber security technology.

A visualisation of a black hole

Astronomers are thought to have discovered a new way to measure how fast a black hole spins: by using the wobbly aftermath from its stellar feasting.

Be Curious 2024 banner highlighting the University's free family friendly open day.

The Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences is once again proud to be part of this year's Be Curious, the University of Leeds' annual family open day, on 18 May.

Royal society logo with a visualisation of an atom being fired at other atoms

Academics, post-doctoral researchers and PhD students from the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences will contribute to this year’s Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition.