Debra Baldwin
- Position: Administrative Support Officer - iMBE
- Email: D.A.Baldwin@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 2154
- Location: 139 School of Mechanical Engineering
My duties and responsibilities include:
Providing administrative support to the Director of the Institute of Medical & Biological Engineering, Professor Ruth Wilcox
Supporting the Institute Director with the financial management of iMBE accounts in liaison with relevant Faculty staff offices
Design, management and development of the iMBE website
Management and oversight of Institute staff and students on a number of HR aspects: recruitment of research staff and temporary laboratory assistants; approval for visitors; annual leave and sickness monitoring
Allocation of resources and logistics for staff and students in the Medical & Biological Engineering Building (PC buying, desk allocation etc)
Processing, monitoring and reporting on casual staff costs for the Institute
Processing, monitoring and reporting on demonstrator costs for the School of Mechanical Engineering
- BA CNAA Modern Languages
Research groups and institutes
- Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering