Shival Dubey PhD
- Position: Research Fellow in Robotics
- Areas of expertise: Robotics; Automation; Automotive Technologies; Mechanical Engineering
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- Website: LinkedIn | Googlescholar | Researchgate | ORCID
Dr Shival Dubey is Research Fellow in Robotics at the Institute of Design, Robotics & Optimisation, School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds. He joined the school in January 2022 after completing his tenure at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic in 2020-21. He has over 8 years of teaching experience in various Automotive, Mechanical, Mechatronics, and Robotics courses in India.
He received a BEng in Automotive, MTech in Robotics Engineering in 2010 and 2012 respectively. In 2016 he had successfully defended his PhD from the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies in India and joined as an Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department undertaking various undergraduate and postgraduate trades.
Research interests
His research interests comprise:
Autonomous mobile exploration robotics for unmanned surveillance and security: Surveillance through robots in areas not suitable for humans such as deep excavation mines, biohazardous & gaseous environments using sensor fusion and autonomous navigation techniques.
Legged Robots: Improving the quality of robot locomotion techniques & manoeuvring through hills, uneven terrains, forests and areas of unknown landscapes as humans.
<h4>Research projects</h4> <p>Some research projects I'm currently working on, or have worked on, will be listed below. Our list of all <a href="">research projects</a> allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.</p>- (Re)Contextualizing Contested Heritage: Building Capacity & Designing Participatory Approaches to Preserve Cultural Heritage by the Youth
- 3D Tribo-Nanprinting: Nanoscale Additive Manufacturing of Functional Materials Using Tribofilms
- 3DMBC (3D Modular Building Connections)
- A fresh look at visual sampling: How are fixational eye-movements optimised? [physFEM]
- A general chemical approach to lysine-directed probes for protein kinases
- A new approach to understanding accretion discs: from planets to black holes
- A New Order of Liquids: Polar and Orientationally Modulated Soft Materials
- A Programme of Astrophysical Research at Leeds
- A Sustainable Circular Economy for Offshore Wind
- Academic Centre of Expertise for Sludge (Particulates and Fluids)
- Accelerated Development of Pharmaceutical Processes Through Digitally Coupled Reaction Screening and Process Optimisation
- Accelerating surgical training
- Acoustic control of quantum cascade heterostructures
- Advanced Crystal Shape Descriptors for Precision Particulate Design, Characterisation and Processing (Shape4PPD)
- Assessing a wearable sensor for use in pre-surgical hip replacement planning
- Assuring the quality of design descriptions through the use of design configuration spaces
- Autonomous Development of Telescoped Catalytic Reactions
- Balancing the impact of City Infrastructure Engineering on Natural systems using Robots
- Benchmarking to reduce budget uncertainty & actual cost, and increase learning from Oil & Gas
- BIANDA: Bayesian Deep Atlases for Cardiac Motion Abnormality Assessment from Imaging and Metadata
- Big Data Analytics: A New Revolution in UK Facilities Management
- BioTrib: Advanced Research Training for the Biotribology of Natural and Artificial Joints in the 21st Century
- BonE-GraphT
- CAMIE (Combining Advanced Materials for Interface Engineering)
- Categorifying Turbulence in Borel Reducibility
- Ceramic Hybrid Additive Manufacturing Platform (CHAMP)
- Circular oil and gas decommissioning
- Closing the budget in marine atmospheric Oxidative Capacity through the quantification of Oceanic VOC
- Closing the Loop via Molecular Polymer Rheology
- CMMI-EPSRC RENACEM: Response to CO2 exposure of concrete with natural supplementary cementitious materials
- CoDIR – Colonic disease investigation by robotic hydro-colonoscopy
- Coherent States for Molecular Simulations. A Universal Approach to Solving Real World Problems
- Combinatorial Representation Theory: Algebra and its interfaces with geometry, topology and combinatorics
- Complex Value Optimisation for Resource Recovery from Waste (C-VORR)
- CONtact TrAcing in Care homes using digital Technology (CONTACT)
- Core Equipment - SuperSTEM 2020
- Corrosion and stress corrosion cracking in high alloy materials
- Corrosion mechanism of austenitic stainless steels and Ni-based alloys in molten salts under thermal cycling condition for CSP plants
- Creating the materials of the future
- Creative Economies Through Youth- led Arts and Craft in Jordan (CEARC)
- Crystallisation in the Real World: Delivering Control through Theory and Experiment
- DARA - Development in Africa with Radio Astronomy Phase 3
- Deep Learning with Simulated Data
- Developing a revolutionary hip implant for life
- Developing Devices that use Biotemplated Nanoparticles for Sustainable Energy Generation
- Developing iron-rich cement clinker & understanding ferrite for the valorisation & upcycling of steel slags (FeRICH)
- Developing the process and mix design for a carbon-neutral block using mineralized industrial waste
- Development of a new generation cement free and self-sensing Textile-Reinforced Smart Mortar (TRSM) composite for masonry repair and strengthening
- Diabetic Ulceration: Tribology of the Plantar Aspect
- Digital Design Accelerator Project to Connect Active Material Design to Product Performance
- Digitalising the Development of Chemoenzymatic Cascades
- Digitally-assisted Collective Governance of Smart City Commons-ARTIO
- Direct Statistical Simulation of the Sun and Stars (D5S)
- DMS-EPSRC Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics of Fluctuating Populations
- DUSTBUSTERS: Dust and gas in planet forming discs
- Dynamic Accretion Discs in Astrophysics
- DYNAMIN: Dynamic Control of Mineralisation
- Early Detection Innovation Sandpit Award: Research Proposal Outline
- EDGENESS: Energy Efficiency, Edge and Serverless Computing
- Efficient ground energy systems in diaphragm walls in challenging con
- Engineered UK clays for production of low-carbon cements
- Engineering tools for analysis of impingement in the human hip joint.
- ENVIRO-COAT: ENVIROnmentally assisted, engineered Corrosion prOducts for Aqueous corrosion miTigation
- EoLO-Hubs - Wind turbine blades End of Life through Open HUBs for circular materials in sustainable business models
- Establishing lung ultrasound as a key tool in the stratification and monitoring of COVID-19 patients
- EU Horizon 2020 Advanced Grant
- Evaluating the safety and patient impact of an Artificial Intelligence Command Centre in the UK National Health Service
- Excising Infection in the Surgical Environment [ExISE]
- Exploiting the resilience of masonry arch bridge infrastructure: a 3D multi-level modelling framework
- Exploring novel binding pockets in DNA gyrase and DNA topoisomerase IV to address antibiotic resistance
- Flow-Xl: A New UK Facility for Analysis of Crystallisation in Flow Systems
- Friction: The Tribology Enigma EPSRC Programme Grant
- Future Urban Ventilation Network – The Breathing City
- Galvanostatic tissue sensing for cancer detection
- Green, Circular, and Smart Cement Manufacture
- Healthcare Environment Control, Optimisation and Infection Risk Assessment (HECOIRA)
- Hierarchical biomechanics
- High Resolution Imaging Using Transient Binders
- High-throughput discovery of bioactive small molecules
- Human - Centric Indoor Climate for Healthcare Facilities (HumanIC)
- IMPRESS - Compliant meshes for pelvic organ prolapse
- IMPRESS - Fecal continence system
- In-situ engine oil quality improvement
- Industrial Decarbonisation
- Influence of ventilation design on the prevalence of anti-microbial bacteria in homes
- INSILC: In-silico trials for drug-eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffold design, development and evaluation
- Integrated biological approaches for high-grade biomethane vehicle fuel production from food waste
- Integrating Intercultural Cities through Belonging in Green Spaces
- Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Mineral-based Construction Materials (ICEC-MCM)
- Inverse Mathematical Modelling in Epidemiology
- Investigating liquid-like mineral phases in crowded media
- Investigating the role of CO2 corrosion products in localised corrosion
- KTP collaboration between Roemex Limited and the University of Leeds
- LABYRINTH: Conservation, Analysis and Virtual Reconstruction of the Archaeological Site of Hawara Pyramid and Labyrinth
- Leeds-Africa Hub for Data Science & Artificial Intelligence
- Low Carbon Footprint Precast Concrete Products for an Energy Efficient Built Environment
- Maternal Health - Vacuum assisted delivery simulation
- Model theory of analytic functions
- Model theory, Diophantine geometry and combinatorics
- Modelling, Validation and Application of Triboelectrification
- Monoidal bicategories, linear logic and operads
- Multi-scale engineering of alkali-activated concretes for sustainable infrastructure
- MULTIForm facility
- Multiphase Corrosion in Geothermal Environments
- Multiscale mixed lubrication and wear of laser textured surfaces: A framework for in-silico trials of orthopaedic hip replacements
- New strategies for controlling crystallisation
- Next Generation of Algorithms for Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP)
- Next-generation Radiocarbon Calibration: Incorporating information on calibration curve covariance
- Novel anti-wear systems for boundary lubricated contacts
- Novel Approach for Vital Infrastructure Post Disaster (NOVA VIDA)
- Obtaining robust "dates-as-data" inference from the calibration of multiple radiocarbon determinations
- ODYSSEUS (Coal-to-liquids supply chain integration in view of operational, economic and environmental risk assessments under unfavourable geological settings)
- Oncological Engineering
- OptiWaSP – Optimised Walking Schoolbus Planning
- Our past, our future, all together in Fanyan
- Passive layER FailuRe Mechanisms (PERFoRM)
- PEEK-OPTIMA as a Platform for Natural Total Knee Replacement
- Person-centred information needs towards building resilient health systems for health security: A decolonising situational perspective
- Perturbation of Protein-Protein Interactions (PoPPI)
- Powering HGVs on England’s Future Electric Roads
- Powering Uganda's Clean Energy Future: Biomethane Technology and Innovation for Clean Cooling in Rural Uganda (BioCool)
- Prefabs sprouting: Modern Methods of Construction and the English housing crisis
- Premixed Combustion Flame Instability Characteristics in Constant Volume Vessels
- Preserving the Disappearing Cultural Heritage of Post-War Mosul, Iraq: Valuing Diversity in the Urban Recovery of Mosul’s Old Districts
- Process Intensification of Nuclear Effluent Treatments
- Quantum Wide Area Networks via Multi-Antenna Satellite Nodes
- Quantum-Safe Internet (QSI)
- Regularisation by noise: beyond Itô's theory
- Rehab-Assessment
- REST: Reconfigurable lower limb Exoskeleton for effective Stroke Treatment in residential settings
- Revolt in the 'Square': Spatial Modelling of Urban Stability in Modern Cities New insights and approaches for preventing conflict and violence
- Robotic picking and packing with physical reasoning
- Robust Identification of Changepoints in Population Size via Radiocarbon Dating
- SaFEGround - Sustainable, Flexible and Efficient Ground-source heating and cooling systems
- Sensing tissue trauma in surgery
- Smart assessment, management and optimisation of urban geothermal resources (SmartRes)
- Smart Restoration with Particle Infused Repointing
- Soft robotic cardiac assistance
- Soft robotic fabrication
- Soft tactile sensors
- Spatial Narratives of Revolt: Public Performance During Anti-Nuclear Protests in Tokyo
- Structures and Probes of Intrinsically Disordered Regions (SPIDR)
- Sulphide scale formation and inhibition in combined H2S & CO2 scale and corrosion environment
- Syntax and semantics of 2-dimensional type theories
- Tailored Production and Utilisation of Sustainable Low Cost Lignocellulosic Advanced Biofuel Blends as Diesel and Petrol Substitutes: SusLABB
- Targeting airborne bacterial infection: Studies on patient- and laboratory-generated mycobacterium tuberculosis aerosols
- TeLeMan - Teleoperative Legged Manipulator for Explosive Ordnance Disposal
- Temperature locking in-membrane electrophoresis to study protein-protein interactions
- The effect of avascular necrosis of the hip on articular function in natural and artificial joints
- The intra-abdominal platform for surgical support
- The Living Museum of Umm Qais: Sustainable preservation, analysis and virtual reconstruction of Gadara's ancient site
- The Living Museum of Umm Qais: Sustainable preservation, analysis and virtual reconstruction of Gadara's ancient site and village
- The role of hydrogen in the degradation of stainless steels
- TRACK: Transport Risk Assessment for COVID Knowledge
- Transient Tomography for Defect Detection
- Tribochemical film phenomenon in total hip replacement
- Tribology of novel friction pairs for environmentally friendly automotive brakes
- UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship
- Understanding the mechanism(s) by which inorganic additives reduce friction
- Wear and Kinematics of Saiph & MBK Total Knee Replacements
- Women’s Safety and Security in Public open spaces (WesafSpace)
- WUN-BRIC - WUN to Building Resilience In Construction
- Yorkshire Circular Economy Living Lab
- Zooming in on adaptive immunity with high-speed super-resolution microscopy
- Bachelor of Engineering - Automobile Engineering
- Master of Technology - Robotics Engineering
- PhD in Mechanical Engineering