Jinzhou Li
- Email: ml17j24l@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Deflagration to Detonation Transition with Increased Reactivity of Combustible Mixtures
- Supervisors: Dr. Junfeng Yang, Dr Sven Van Loo, Professor Derek Bradlay, Professor Samual Falle
I am currently third-year PhD student focusing on fundamental combustion research. My research areas include the large-scale deflagration to detonation (DDT) transition modelling, Optical rapid compression machine (RCM) developments, laminar/turbulent premixed flame propagation and hydrogen explosion assessments. Regarding student education, I am the leader of the demonstration team and responsible for the Lab session of Thermofluid 2 and Thermofluids 3.
Research interests
⚫ The mechanism of deflagration to detonation transition;
⚫ 3D large scale explosion modelling;
⚫ Laminar and turbulent burning velocity measurements and modelling;
⚫ Autoignition delay time measurements and modelling;
⚫ Laser diagnostic and schlieren technique;
⚫ Chemical Kinetics;
⚫ Hydrogen fire hazard and explosion assessments;
- Mechanical Engineering (BEng) from Henan Polytechnic University (China)
- Automotive Engineering (MEng) from The University of Leeds