Online courses
Online courses
Delivered completely online, these courses offer the flexibility to fit your studies around your other commitments, wherever you are in the world.

Masters online courses
Engineering Management MSc/PGCert
Designed by engineers, this CMI-accredited course equips you with practical and theoretical knowledge of modern engineering, alongside a grounding in management.
More on Engineering Management MSc/PGCertArtificial Intelligence MSc/PGCert
This innovative online degree is designed for professionals who recognise the importance of AI. Our specialised curriculum brings a modern, technology-focused perspective to work-related challenges.
More on Artificial Intelligence MSc/PGCertData Science (Statistics) MSc
Study a comprehensive curriculum that spans from foundational data science courses to specialised statistics courses, and learn industry best practices to interpret data in a range of contexts.
More on Data Science (Statistics) MScShort courses for high school and college students
These short online courses help you prepare and develop key skills for learning at university. For teachers, they offer a great resource for engaging students.
Exploring Cancer Medicines
Explore the use of medicines in treating cancer and take your first steps towards becoming a science writer.
More on Exploring Cancer MedicinesFood Science and Nutrition
Follow food’s fascinating journey from the farm to your body and explore new food technologies and nutrition around the world.
More on Food Science and NutritionChemical Engineering: Shaping a Sustainable Future
Learn how chemical engineering can help to solve global challenges and explore its role in delivering sustainable development.
More on Chemical Engineering: Shaping a Sustainable FutureAcademic Skills collection
This selection of courses is specifically designed to help you get the most out of your online learning by developing skills that help you work safely and effectively online.
More on Academic Skills collectionShort courses for graduates and professionals
Whether you're considering further study as an undergraduate student or a mid-career professional, these CPD-certified courses let you follow your interests in greater depth while expanding your CV.
Managing Major Engineering Projects Specialization
Accelerate your career by improving your project management skills. This specialisation delivers a rigorous exploration of the best practices for planning and delivering major engineering projects.
More on Managing Major Engineering Projects SpecializationTransport Systems: Global Issues and Future Innovations
Find out how and why transport systems must change in the 21st century. Learn about effective transport planning and modelling and consider the impact of technologies such as autonomous vehicles.
More on Transport Systems: Global Issues and Future InnovationsRenewable Energy: Achieving Sustainability through Bioenergy
Understand the principles of bioenergy and learn how to harness this form of renewable energy to achieve sustainability.
More on Renewable Energy: Achieving Sustainability through BioenergyRenewable Energy: Sustainable Electricity Supply with Microgrids
Explore approaches to electrification, microgrids, and how to harness this form of renewable energy to achieve sustainability.
More on Renewable Energy: Sustainable Electricity Supply with MicrogridsMore online courses
Training and learning online
This online course has been developed to help you to develop effective online learning strategies that work for you.
More on Training and learning onlineOnline degrees
Explore all online and distance learning postgraduate degree courses at the University of Leeds.
More on Online degreesShort online courses
Discover the diverse range of online courses delivered by the University of Leeds on FutureLearn.
More on Short online courses