Review of the Reformed Physics A Levels, Dr Emma Pittard, Life Long Learning Centre

All are welcome to join us for this seminar, which will be followed by a discussion on the topic: “Is our 1st-year curriculum compatible with the new A levels?”


In early 2013 the former Secretary of State for Education, Michael Gove, asked the Office of Qualification and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) to implement changes to existing Science and Mathematics A Levels leading to new ‘reformed’ A Levels. The Government stated that the purpose of taking A-Levels is primarily for entry to university and that change was needed to better prepare students for university courses. The Government also wanted these reformed A-Levels to allow UK universities to accurately identify the level of student attainment and provide a benchmark of academic ability for employers.

A summary of the key changes implemented in the reformed Physics A-Level will be presented, together with the rationale for these changes. A brief overview of the reformed Mathematics A level will also be given. ‘Functional’ questions from reformed Physics A-Level papers will be reviewed, together with changes to practical requirements, and exam data from the first three years will also be presented.

Presenter: Dr Emma Pittard

Host: Dr Alison Voice

Refreshments will be provided.