Xiaoxu Li
- Course: Civil Engineering PhD
- PhD title: Investigations of fluid flow processes within gas-solids fluidized beds
Tell us about your research
My PhD thesis title is Investigations of fluid flow processes within gas-solids fluidized beds. A Fluidized bed is a traditional apparatus widely applied in modern industrial applications. I am going to use an innovative non-invasive technique called Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT) to look at the internal complex flow structures present in the model fluidized bed and their spatial and temporal development which are still not fully understood by previous researchers.
What is your favourite part of studying at Leeds?
The University of Leeds is a large well-established university compromising of nine academic faculties which contain many sub-schools or research institutes. You can always find an expert who is capable of offering a hand to you if you are involved in an interdisciplinary project. All the academic and administration staff are friendly and you will readily benefit from this friendly environment for your PhD study.
What activities do you take part in outside of your studies?
Apart from my daily PhD study and research, I often take part in some social activities organised by Leeds Student Union or the international student office, such as Saturday trips from the global community or the Monday cafe. These participations allow me gain more social and language skills and get to know more friends from all over the world with whom I can share my bright time at Leeds. Furthermore, I am able to explore more about traditional British food, places and culture.
What are your ambitions for the future?
After completing my PhD degree, I would like to go back my home country and seek an academic position at a university or research institution. this will enable me to carry on my research, which will contribute to the solutions within the research community and have a hand in the development of my country.