Dr. Zeinab Nezami


I have joined the School of Computing as a research fellow at July 2022.

I graduated with a PhD degree in Software Engineering from the University of Isfahan (UI), Iran. My PhD was supervised by Prof. Kamran Zamanifar from Computer Science department at California State University - Northridge, USA, Prof. Dimitrios Kyritsis from ICT4SM Lab at EPFL, Switzerland, and Prof. Evangelos Pournaras from Distributed Systems and Services group at the University of Leeds, UK, where she was involved in the development of an Edge-Cloud distributed system for Load-balancing placement of Internet of Things services. 

I did my master's study in Distributed Systems at the Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Iran working around distributed networks such as Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET).

The majority of my current research looks into new opportunities raised from cooperative learning and decision-making expansion throughout the IoT world. In line with this view, I am investigating vehicular networks and IoT resource management under the supervision of Dr. Evangelos Pournaras.

Research interests

My research interest centers around distributed systems and Internet of Things.

I have more than 7 years of experience in distributed optimization, edge/fog computing, multi-agent systems, computer networks, and computer simulation.


  • PhD in distributed systems from University of Isfahan, Iran.
  • MSc in computer software engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran.