Ciara A. Higham
- Email: sccah@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: COVID-19 transmission risks associated with environmental contamination in workplace and public toilets
- Supervisor: Dr Louise Fletcher, Prof. Cath Noakes, Dr Martín López-García
I have been a part of the Fluid Dynamics CDT since 2020, which provides an integrated MSc and PhD.
I completed an integrated Master’s in Mathematics and Physics at the University of Manchester and graduated in 2019. I studied a fluids modules during this degree which sparked my interest in fluid dynamics. My Master’s project focused on modelling how surfactant spreads in a liquid filled maze.
Research interests
I am investigating how environmental effects, such as ventilation and room layout, can have an effect on the transport of droplets and aerosols produced by flushing the toilet and subsequently how this impacts infection risk. My project is a combination of experimental environmental microbiology work, CFD (ANSYS Fluent) and mathematical risk modelling. I chose my project because I had an interest in the fluid flow of droplets and aerosols in indoor air settings and the link to disease transmission. I also have a strong interest in public engagement, specifically policy engagement and STEM outreach activities.
- MMath&Phys Mathematics and Physics, University of Manchester
- MSc Fluid Dynamics, University of Leeds