Alexander Edwards
- Email: scaje@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Transient Models to Assess Transmission and Control of Airborne Infection Risks in a Respiratory Ward
- Supervisors: Professor Catherine Noakes, Dr Martín López-García, Dr. Marco-Felipe King, Prof. Daniel Peckham
I graduated from the University of Manchester in July 2020 with BSc.(Hons) Mathematics. I am currently a doctoral researcher in the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Fluid Dynamics. In the first year of the programme, my MSc. project explored the use of computational fluid dynamics to assess the effects of leakage in face masks.
Research interests
I am currently using a combination of mathematical models and airflow simulations to assess the transmission risks of airborne diseases on a UK respiratory ward. With the use of these models, I aim to assess various occupancy, disease and ventilation scenarios, providing concluding mitigation strategies which can reduce the risk of infection in these indoor environments. My broader research interests extend to indoor air quality, mathematical biology and epidemiology, and applications of these to clinical settings.
- BSc. (Hons) Mathematics