Abrar Mohammed
- Email: A.Mohammed1@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Generate Video-Segment Narratives to Support Learning.
- Supervisors: Professor Vania Dimitrova, Professor David Hogg
I am a PhD student in the School of Computing at the University of Leeds. My research is tilted ‘Generate Video-Segment Narratives to Support Learning’. The reserach has three main steps; first, find a suitable video segmenting algorithm to generate video segments, second, characterise video segments using video transcript and/or user comments and map them with a domain ontology to genertae domain related characterisation, third, find a suitable algorithm that is underpinned by a paedagocial theory to generate video segment narratives.
This research serves e-learning by re-using individual learning videos that have different lengths and pedagogically combining them to generate narratives of them; specifically when the video’s domain is computationally represted, e.g. using ontologies.
My academic experience in computer science has started when I have been awarded a BSc. in Computer Science from Baghdad University/ Iraq. After my graduation I worked 4 years in the Ministry of Science and Technology/ Iraq as a computer programmer. In 2005 I left Iraq and settled in the UK where I first worked in the industry as a computer programmer before I completed my second degree in computer Science (First-Class Honours) from Hertforshire University. Eventually, I decided to change my career to teaching when I decided to work as a computer science and ICT TA in many academies in Leeds to get teaching experience. Then, I have been awarded a BCS scholarship to do my PGCE in Computer Science and ICT Studies in the Leeds Trinity Univeristy. Afterwards, I have been offered a job in one of the top 20 academies in the UK and completed my NQT year. Now, I am a fully qualified teacher!
Research interests
The research areas of interest are Natural Language Processing (NLP) and domain computational representaion (Ontologies).
- BSc in Computer Science/Iraq
- BSc in Computer Science/ UK
- PGCE in Computer Science and ICT Studies/UK