Michael MacRaild
- Email: scmm@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Efficient ensemble simulation methods for in silico trials of endovascular medical devices
- Supervisor: Dr Toni Lassila, Dr. Ali Sarrami-Foroushani, Prof. Deborah Stocken, Dr. Tina Morrison
I graduated from the University of Manchester in July 2018 with a first class Masters degree in Mathematics and Physics (MMath&Phys). My dissertation projects in mathematics and physics were on the fluid mechanics of blood flow and the dynamics of thermals, respectively. These projects inspired me to undertake further research in fluid dynamics, and so I applied for a place on the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Fluid Dynamics at the University of Leeds. I started the taught MSc component of this degree in Septemer 2018, taking modules in fluid dynamics, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), numerical methods, experimental methods and professional development. For the research component of the MSc I undertook a group project studying wind gusts in complex terrain. This project was completed in July 2019. Since July 2019, I have been working on my PhD project titled “Efficient ensemble simulation methods for in silico trials of endovascular medical devices”, supervised by Alex Frangi.
Research interests
Broadly my interest is in fluid dynamics for biomedical applications. More specifically, my current interests are haemodynamics, data-driven modelling techniques, machine learning, intracranial aneurysms and in silico trials.
- MMath&Phys
Research groups and institutes
- Computational Medicine