Soodeh Kalaie
- Email: S.Kalaie1@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Deep Generative Modeling for Anatomical Shapes
Soodeh Kalaie received her B. Sc. in Electrical Engineering. Subsequently, she started her M. Sc. at Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran where she joined a research group with a focus on machine learning and medical imaging. Then, the decomposition of the vascular tree using graphical models became her specific research subject. Soodeh worked as an R&D engineer in NegarAndishgan Co.Ltd, Tehran, Iran for almost four years where she carried out research on EEG signal processing and EEG brain mapping study. To pursue her academic journey, in September 2019 she joined CISTIB at the University of Leeds as a full fund Ph.D. student co-supervised by Dr. Ali Gooya and Prof. Alejandro Frangi. Her Ph.D. has involved collaboration with Dr.Michael Nix and Dr.Bashar Al-Qaisieh at St. James’s Hospital on the RadNet project.
Research interests
My research interest includes neural network and deep learning, pattern recognition and machine learning, probabilistic graphical models.
- BSc in Electronic Engineering
- MSc in Biomedical Engineering
Research groups and institutes
- Computational Medicine