Wissam Bejjani
- Email: scwbe@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Learning deep policies for physics-based robotics manipulation in cluttered real world environments
Present: PhD student in robotics (supervisors: Mehmet Dogar and Matteo Leonetti)
Masters: Automation and Robotics (TU-Dortmund - Germany)
Undergraduate: Mechanical Engineering (Notre Dame University NDU - Lebanon)
Visiting researcher:
- Learning Algorithms and System Laboratory LASA - 2016 (Aude Billard - EPFL - Switzerland)
- Institute of robotics and mechatronics RMC - 2015 (Daniel Leidner - German aerospace center DLR - Germany)
- Vision and Robotics Lab - 2012 (Daniel Asmar - American University of Beirut AUB - Lebanon)
Research interests
My ultimate research goal is to extend the capabilities of robots to operate autonomously and safely inhuman environments. The core of my research concentration spans the area where planning, manipulation, machine learning, and control theory intersect.