Raneem Toman

Raneem Toman


I did my BSc in Physics at Al-Quds University in Palestine. I then trained as a junior researcher in computational neuroscience and electrophysiology, which led me to do an MSc in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Warwick. Upon graduation, I gained industrial experience working in medical supplies and services. I joined the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence for Medical Diagnosis and Care in 2022. My PhD work will be focused on colorectal cancer risk assessment in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) patients using multimodal data correlation with AI.

Research interests

Developing machine learning methods for building a matched endoscopy imaging and spectroscopy dataset, and correlation of these data with clinical outcomes for developing colorectal cancer in IBD patients. I am also part of the AI in Medicine and Surgery (AIMS group), led by Dr. Sharib Ali. 



  • BSc in Physics
  • MSc in Biomedical Engineering