Lefteris Koutsoloukas
- Email: cn15lk@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Active/Hybrid Structural Control of Civil Engineering Structures
- Supervisor: Professor Nikolaos Nikitas
Lefteris studied Civil & Strucutral Engineering in the University of Leeds and graduated with a 1st class honours. In 2019, he has been awarded the prestigious Leeds Doctoral Scholarship. Currently, Lefteris is a PhD researcher working within the area of structural dynamics where, he focuses in the Active/Hybrid control of civil engineering structures.
Research interests
Lefteris’ research emphasises on enhancing the performance of passive, semi-active, active and hybrid mass dampers applied on civil engineering structures, by utilizing state-of-the-art control algorithms with the objective of reducing structural responses. Additionally, Lefteris’ work focuses on developing methods for reducing the high enegy consumption of the active-hybrid systems by proposing schemes for achieving “self-powered” control systems.
Currently, Lefteris is using the 246m tall Rottweil tower located in Germany as his case-study building. Methods for enhancing the vibration-mitigation performance of the hybrid mass damper (which possesses semi-active and active capabilitys) that is located on the tower are being investigated while, eliminating the effect of its high energy requirements.
- MEng (Hons), Civil & Structural Engineering, University of Leeds