Qinghao Wang
- Email: cnqw@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Understanding the contribution of leadership to navigation of urgency in the interorganisational projects
- Supervisors: Dr Dicle Kortantamer, Prof Christine Unterhitzenberger
I am a first-year PhD student at University of Leeds, working within the Project Management Group in School of Civil Engineering. My supervisory team comprises Dr Dicle Kortantamer as the main supervisor and Dr Christine Unterhitzenberger as co-supervisor.
My research project is to understand the contribution of leadership to the navigation of urgency in interorganisational projects. The requirement of meeting target of net zero socially construct a scene of urgency, which both promote and hinder change required to meet the target. Navigating such paradox of urgency benefits those interorganisational projects making effort of change for net zero.
Regarding academic qualifications, I obtained a Merit in my MSc in Engineering Project Management from the University of Manchester in 2022, and a 82.5/100 score in my BMgmt in Industrial Engineering from Guizhou University in 2020.
Research interests
My current stage of the research project is doing a review paper for leadership contribution to navigating urgency in inter-organisational projects.
- MSc (Eng) in Engineering Project Management (2022)
- BMgmt (Hons) in Industrial Engineering (2020)