Ali Khaled Saleh

Ali Khaled Saleh


I am a PhD student at University of Leeds, School of Civil Engineering. My supervisory team is composed of Dr Han Fang, as the main supervisor, and Prof Susan Bernal, as the co-supervisor.

I graduated from Kuwait University (KU) with bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering, in 2014, and MSc degree in Environmental Sciences (engineering concentration), in 2021. Currently, I am a research associate at the Sustainability and Reliability of Infrastructures Program at Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR). Before that, I worked as civil engineer at the Construction and Maintenance Department of Kuwait University (KU).

My specific projects focused on structural assessment and evaluation of different infrastructures such as water reservoirs, underground passageways, as well as residential, government and high-rise buildings. Moreover, I was a member in the housing committee for the assessment of new residential buildings in the State of Kuwait. In these projects and as a preliminary stage, non-invasive NDTs such as impact echo, Schmidt hammer, and ultrasonic pulse velocity tests as well as the invasive ones (e.g., probe penetration and coring tests) were used extensively.

After the completion of accredited Level-I and Level-II IRT courses, I led several research activities related to using IR thermography for the damage inspection in buildings (i.e., energy gain/loss). My research area includes structural assessment of existing buildings and infrastructures, environmental impact assessment (EIS) of construction industry, destructive and non-destructive techniques, and numerical modelling and statistical analysis.

In 2023, I received the PhD scholarship from my employer, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), the State of Kuwait.


  • Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering, Kuwait University
  • MSc in Environmental Sciences, Kuwait University