Dr Benjamin Johnson

Dr Benjamin Johnson


I am an Experimental Officer in the Molecular and Nanoscale Physics group of the School of Physics.  I manage  the MNP labs and ensure that all users have inductions into the labs as well as specific training to use individual pieces of equipment.

I look after and arrange maintenance on most of the lab equipment, but where necessary I do some tasks myself, where long waits for engineers would cause long delays to our work.

A high percentage of our equipment, whilst being high tech and top of the range, need modifications to do what we actually need, so I often design and upgrade them to meet our requirements.  This invloves a good knowledge of mechanical proceses, design and production procedures as well as production methods including cnc machining (with colleagues in our mechanical workshops) or 3d printing which I do myself.




  • Management of MNP labs including procurement of new instruments
  • Group Health and Safety Coordinator
  • School Laser Safety Officer and Chemical Hazard Coordinator


  • BSc (hons) Biochemistry with Medical Biochemistry
  • MSc Analytical Chemistry
  • PhD Biomimetic Scaffolds for Phospholipid Bilayers