Amir Rahmani

Amir Rahmani


<p align="justify">Amir is a physicist passionate about developing cutting-edge super-resolution microscopes. His research focuses on counting individual molecules within T-cells, particularly through high-resolution oblique plane microscopy. Prior to his doctoral studies at the University of Leeds, Amir gained extensive experience in super-resolution microscopy at international research institutes, including EMBL (Heidelberg) and ICFO (Barcelona). As a sole international recipient of the EPSRC DTP Studentship from the Bragg Centre, Amir is keen to apply his microscopy expertise to expand his understanding of biology and bioimaging.</p>


  • Teaching Assistant: 1st Year Physics Laboratory
  • Teaching Assistant: 2nd Year Computational Physics

Research interests

Super-resolution microscopy, Single-molecule localisation microscopy, Single-molecule tracking, Optical Physics, Cell Biophysics

<h4>Research projects</h4> <p>Some research projects I'm currently working on, or have worked on, will be listed below. Our list of all <a href="">research projects</a> allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.</p>


  • MSc in Physics
  • BSc in Physics

Professional memberships

  • Royal Microscopical Society (RMS)
  • European Microscopy Society (EMS)

Research groups and institutes

  • Molecular and Nanoscale Physics