Dr Anna Guseva

Dr Anna Guseva


I am a Marie-Curie Research Fellow at the Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Leeds, since 2020. My project involves reduced-order modelling of dynamo flows.

Prior to this, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the School of Aeronautical and Space Engineering (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), where I was working on the large-scale control of turbulent flows.

During my PhD, I was studying dynamics and angular momentum transport in magnetized quasi-Keplerian Taylor-Couette flows under the supervision of Prof. Dr Marc Avila. I obtained my PhD degree at the University of Bremen in 2018.

<h4>Research projects</h4> <p>Some research projects I'm currently working on, or have worked on, will be listed below. Our list of all <a href="https://eps.leeds.ac.uk/dir/research-projects">research projects</a> allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.</p>


  • Ph.D. (2018)