Dr Margit Messmer
- Position: Principal Teaching Fellow
- Email: M.Messmer@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 5104
- Location: 11.04 School of Mathematics
My research background is in mathematical logic, in particular the model theory of fields.
Now my interests lie in student education, in particular in pratical new approaches to teaching in a learning environment dominated by the internet. I like to explore how new technologies can support learning, and have introduced ‘flipped classroom’ methods and online learning and assessment components.
- Assistant Admissions Tutor
- Senior Fellow of the HEA
Student education
I coordinate two non-traditional modules, Maths into Schools and Maths at Work, which give students the opportunity to put their maths knowledge into practice, and to develop a wide range of employability skills.
Research groups and institutes
- Pure Mathematics