Anja Komatar


I am a PhD student in logic, working on structural Ramsey theory of partial orders.  

Apart from research, I teach tutorials and mark homeworks and exams for various pure mathematics modules and work as one of the skills@library maths tutors. I helped with the departmental open days, organised the pure mathematics postgraduate seminar until 2015, was on the Athena Swan committee until 2016, and represented postgraduate students first as the faculty and later as the Leeds University Union rep.  

I attended the University of Cambridge from October 2009, where I completed an undergraduate degree and an MMath. I focused on pure mathematics, and specifically logic and combinatorics in Part III, writing the Part III essay on Judicious Partitions. I worked on summer research projects in combinatorics, coalgebras and category theory. I was also an editor of Eureka, the journal of The Archimedeans, the mathematical society.  

My personal website contains further information, including on posters and talks. 

Research interests

  • Structural Ramsey theory 

  • Connections between Ramsey theory and topological dynamics 

  • Homogeneous structures 

  • Combinatorics 


  • BA and MMath in Mathematics, University of Cambridge