Luca Cantarello
- Email: mmlca@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Investigating satellite radiance data assimilation at different scales in an idealised convective modelling framework
- Supervisors: Professor Onno Bokhove, Professor Steven Tobias, Dr Gordon Inverarity, Dr Stefano Migliorini
I have previously studied at the University of Bologna, from which I graduated in Physics (2014, BSc) and then in Physics of the Earth System (2017, MSc).
I carried out my master thesis research at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute where I worked within the Climate Service division on a spatial interpolation technique to merge model data and surface observations to improve the representation of the 2-meter temperature on gridded datasets.
I have kept working at MET Norway on the same topic for a few months after the end of the MSc, taking also part in the project UERRA (Uncertainties in Ensembles of Regional ReAnalysis), contributing to a final report about comparative assessment of regional reanalysis.
Since October 2017 I have been studying as a PhD student at the University of Leeds within the School of Mathematics. I am part of the 4th cohort of the NERC DTP.
I have a personal web page with more details here.
Research interests
My research project is about satellite data assimilation. My supervisors are Onno Bokhove and Steve Tobias in Leeds and Gordon Inverarity and Stefano Migliorini at the Met Office, which also supports my project.
- BSc in Physics from Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (2014)
- MSc in Physics of the Earth System from Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (2017)
Research groups and institutes
- Applied Mathematics
- Astrophysical and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics