Julia Hörmayer
- Email: mmjh@leeds.ac.uk
- Supervisors: Professor Karin Baur , Professor Bethany Rose Marsh, Dr Emine Yildirim
I’m Julia (pronounced Yulia), a first year PhD student under the supervision of Karin Baur and Emine Yildirim, working in combinatorial representation theory. In particular, I am looking at Postnikov diagrams and perfect matchings of plabic graphs coming from tilings and their connections to cluster algebras and cluster categories. In the past, I have done projects on Gabriel’s Theorem (classification of finite type quiver representations) and connections between the RSK algorithm and the representation theory of the symmetric group. I enjoy everything algebra and/ or combinatorics and am perpetually upset about the lack of logic education in my past. Born and raised in the most liveable city in the world and mathematically matured in lovely Glasgow. Big fan of words and their permuations and a snob about literature. Always up for a coffee and a chat (ideally accompanied by a piece of cake). Currently on the lookout for good hummus, bread and cake (recommendations very much appreciated!). Let me know if you can recommend me good sources to learn about (literary not philosophical) aestheticism or want to buddy read a book on analytical philosophy (of your choosing) with me! I also write (most commonly and most competently in German): https://tinystea.wixsite.com/blog/post/das-vorsingen
I am very fond of discussing the philosophical principles governing mathematical thought and tailoring it to all kinds of different ages, people and backgrounds and love working with teenagers! So if you happen to be organising some outreach event of sorts (or know someone who is) not too far from where I am (that is usually Leeds or Vienna) I’m sure I would love to help! Explaining pure maths to non-mathematicians is my party trick! (much more positively received than you’d think)
If you have any questions, concerns, issues, comments or just want to send me a picture of your cat, please do drop me an email :)
Research interests
Postnikov diagrams, perfect matchings, cluster algebras, cluster categories, represention theory of the symmetric group (not currently part of my project but in very fond memory!), in general anything linking combinatorics to algebra and open to learning about logic :)
- MSci Mathematics, University of Glasgow 2022