Anup Anand Singh
- Email: mmaasi@leeds.ac.uk
- Supervisors: Dr Vincent Caudrelier, Dr Derek Harland
Nestled somewhere at the interface of physics and mathematics lies the theory of integrability, the broad area of my doctoral research. Together with my supervisors and our collaborators, I am trying to further our understanding of what are called classical integrable theories and devise a framework for their covariant quantisation. Before coming to Leeds, I was a visiting student at the Raman Research Institute and the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS-TIFR), both in Bengaluru, India. I obtained my BS-MS degree from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune, India, where I read physics and mathematics (together with doing undergraduate-level courses in chemistry and biology).
You can read more about my current work (and some past projects) here. Or head here for my arXiv preprints. You can also check out my Google Scholar and iNSPIRE HEP profiles.
Research interests
Much of my current work is rooted in the r-matrix approach to integrable systems and the theory of Lagrangian multiforms. At present, I am developing a framework for systematically constructing Lagrangian multiforms, objects that provide a variational description of integrable hierarchies through a generalised action and a variational principle. Using ingredients and ideas from the Hamiltonian framework for integrability — in particular, the theory of Lie dialgebras — we have achieved this for a large class of finite-dimensional integrable systems. The next immediate steps include incorporating affine integrable models into our framework as well as exploring the gauge-theoretic origins of the Lagrangian multiforms thus constructed. A related longish-term goal is to use our construction together with the path integral formalism to quantise integrable field theories in a covariant manner.
- Master of Science