18th International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure

The School of Chemical and Process Engineering was well represented at the 18th International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS 2022) in Sydney, Australia.
The triennial XAFS conference is a global interdisciplinary forum for reporting advances, developments and applications of X-ray absorption and related synchrotron spectroscopies, which cover virtually all disciplines of physical and life sciences, engineering, including overlap into the arts through heritage science.
It was attended by 154 in-person and 260 virtual delegates internationally.
Oral presentations of research in the School included:
- Prof Sven Schroeder's "Self-Absorption Effects in Ambient Pressure Total Electron Yield X-ray Absorption Spectra […]",
- Dr Luke Higgins' (EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellow) on "X-ray Raman Scattering […]"
- Dr Thokozile Kathyola's (now at Diamond Light Source) on "The effects of temperature, pressure, and shear on the local structure of vanadium-based oil lubricant additives".
- Stella Foster presented her SCAPE PhD work on "Inner sphere binding of strontium to biopolymer composites […]" virtually.

Congratulations are in order to SCAPE CP3 CDT postgraduate student Saphora Dabo, who was awarded the conference poster prize for her work, "Effects of Organic Friction Modifier and Detergents on ZDDP Thermal Film Formation", with the judges commenting on the high-quality of the reported science and the poster's remarkable artistic quality.
Away from the conference venue, delegates were also able to enjoy socialising with peers from down-under and around the world. Delegates from SCAPE spent a night at the opera in Sydney Opera House, and visited the Blue Mountains as well as the famous Bondi Beach.