Marco Aurelio Cardenas Juarez
- Course: Electronic and Electrical Engineering PhD
- PhD title: Spectrum sensing and throughput analysis for cognitive radio
Why I chose to study this research degree?
Wireless communications technologies are nowadays a fundamental part of people’s lives and can be found everywhere, ranging from simple garage door openers and cordless telephone sets to other handheld devices like smartphones, tablets, and portable gaming consoles, etc. All these devices make use of highly complex systems like wireless local area networks (WLANs) and mobile radio networks. Therefore, the next generation of wireless networks needs to provide higher data rates for new applications and more system capacity to satisfy the increasing market penetration; and this is the motivation for which I chose this research degree.
Why I chose the University of Leeds
The main reason for choosing the University of Leeds was because the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering is ranked first in research. Also the high academic standards of the University of Leeds are well-known worldwide.
About my research
My research is focused on spectrum sensing for cognitive radio. The electromagnetic spectrum, which is the most precious resource in wireless communications, is allocated according to a fixed spectrum access policy in which a license is issued to a specific primary user for using a specific portion of spectrum. However, studies have shown that the spectrum is being underutilised by some primary users. Therefore, the shift is towards a dynamic spectrum access, in which unlicensed secondary users can make use of the underutilised electromagnetic spectrum. In order to achieve this, spectrum sensing is needed. Essentially, the main purpose of the spectrum sensing task is to efficiently determine which portions of electromagnetic spectrum are not being used by primary users, so, secondary users can make use of this frequency band.
My favourite part of studying at Leeds
Working with a world-class supervisor during my PhD is by far the best part of my degree at Leeds University. Having this opportunity has definitely helped me to improve my skills as a professional and a researcher. Another important aspect is the network of colleagues around the world that I have made during my studies in the University.
Activities outside of my studies
During my staying at this University, I encouraged the Mexican students to strengthen ties of friendship amongst the community. That was the reason why other Mexican students and I formed together the Leeds Mexican Student Society. Since then, I have had an active participation within the society, the first year as a treasurer and in the recent years promoting the society and helping to keep alive this project.
On the other hand, the sports centre of the University has been a good option for keeping my mind clear, there are lots enjoyable activities at The Edge gym.
My ambitions for the future
After completing my PhD I will go back to my country, Mexico. I would like to continue a career in academia, however, I consider the experience gained outside academia is of great value as a researcher. Therefore, I am open to all the possibilities.
My advice to prospective students
Doing a PhD has been definitely one of the most exciting periods of my life. There are highs and lows during the journey, but at the end of the day, you realise that after all these years you have become a better professional and perhaps more importantthan that, a better person.
Life as an international student at the University
The University of Leeds offers a very friendly environment for international students. At the University, I always felt welcome, all the staff are always very helpful and provide you with the service/help you require. There are thousands of international students from around the globe in the University, which gives you diversity and the opportunity to know more about other cultures.