The Astbury Conversation 25 -26 April 2022

The Astbury Conversation 2022 welcomes Nobel Prize winner Sir Professor Richard Henderson who will give the plenary public lecture ‘Zooming in on the molecules of life’.
Sir Professor Richard Henderson became a Nobel Laureate in 2017, joining past speakers Professor Brian Kobilka (Nobel Prize 2012) and Professor Michael Levitt (Nobel Prize 2013).
Understanding life in molecular detail has perhaps never been more important than at the present time and Seeing into Cells is the theme of the 2022 Astbury Conversation. The two-day event will bring together leading researchers to discuss the most recent progress in the field of structural molecular biology in its broadest sense. This event is inspired by the pioneering work at Leeds of the Braggs (Nobel prize 1913), and in the 1930s to 60s of Professor Bill Astbury, FRS, a field of research continued today in the Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology.
The academic symposium will feature prestigious talks, public engagement event, selected presentations and poster sessions from internationally distinguished speakers and researchers, culminating in a plenary public lecture from Nobel Prize winner Sir Professor Richard Henderson, renowned for his contributions to the development of cryo-electron microscopy - a technique that uses electrons to determine the structure of molecules – and was the first to solve the structure of a protein found in the membrane of a cell.
Whether you are a researcher wanting to know about the latest developments, or you are simply interested in learning more about the hidden - but fascinating – world of macromolecules, the Astbury Conversation will help give you new insights and understanding.
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The Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology
The Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology brings together researchers from across the University - largely from physics, chemistry, biology and medicine - to allow interdisciplinary approaches to be harnessed to understand the molecular basis of life. The Centre has outstanding expertise and research infrastructure in chemical biology, biophysics and all of the major techniques in structural molecular biology.