Postgraduate Conference 2016
The annual Postgraduate Conference in the School of Chemistry took place on the 9th and 10th of June.
The conference showcased the breadth of research undertaken in the School, through oral presentations by the third year PhD students and posters from the second year students. A very wide range of chemistry was presented, including: the chemistry of atmospheric aerosols; the design of flow reactors for chemical and electrochemical synthesis; and the use of polymers and peptides for drug delivery. The event also featured a careers clinic with members of our Industrial Advisor Board; and, an invited plenary lecture by Jim Baggott, who gave an entertaining showcase of his recent book Origins: The Scientific Story of Creation. The conference concluded with a wine reception.
Prizes were awarded for talks by Laura Ghandi, Michael Chapman and Grant Sherborne; and for posters by James Green, Diogo de Jesus Medeiros and Ryan Gonciarz. James also received the Dr Kate Furneau prize for an outstanding non-academic contribution to postgraduate life in the School, which is voted for by the students and staff.
The conference was organised by Anna Luty and Abbie Balkitis in the Post-Graduate Office, and by James and his colleagues on the Post-Graduate Committee. They should be congratulated for the very smooth running of the event. Sponsorship of the prizes and the plenary lecture by the Royal Society of Chemistry, Merck and LHASA Ltd is also very gratefully acknowledged.