Dr Olivier Cayre
- Position: Associate Professor (Academic)
- Areas of expertise: Colloid engineering; particle design; heterogeneous polymerisation; encapsulation; interfacial phenomena; emulsions; foams.
- Email: O.J.Cayre@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 4939
- Location: 2.36 Chemical and Process Engineering Building
- Website: My Personal Site | My Other Personal Site | Twitter | LinkedIn | Googlescholar | Researchgate
Olivier Cayre (OC) is an Associate Professor is the School of Chemical and Process Engineering. OC received a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Hull in 2005 and then spent time as a post-doctoral research fellow in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at North Carolina State University. He then moved to the University of Leeds as a university resarch fellow and was promoted to lecturer (2012) and associate professor (2017) in the School of Chemical and Process Engineering. Research in OC’s group is focused on both fundamental and applied aspects of colloid and polymer engineering. In particular, OC collaborates with both academic and industrial colleagues in the UK and internationally to design and understand the behaviour of functional colloidal and polymeric systems. He is an author of over 100 scientific articles including 11 patents and 3 book chapters.
Google scholar link: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?hl=en&user=mqPL8zAAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate
Previous Research Group Members (PhD students and Post-Doctoral Research Fellows)
Karen Mitchell (2015) – Now @ Beckitt Benkiser
James Hitchcok (2015) – Now self-employed
Yuanyuan Zhou (2016) – Now @ Ricoh Products Ltd
Kirsty Stark (2017) – Now @ Batelle
Mohmed Mulla (2017) – Now @ Johnson & Johnson
Emily James (2017) – Medical Student @ University of Cambridge
Calum Ferguson (2018) – Research group leader in the O’Reilly group @ University of Birmingham
Assim Fiaz (2019) – Now @ St Gobain
Juliette Behra (2019) – Marie Curie Fellow @ Nestle in Lausanne
Kai Yu (2019) – Associate Professor @ Jiangsu University
Dr Huagui Zhang – Associate Professor @ Fujian Normal University
Dr Alison Tasker – PDRA @ University of Queensland
- Co-leader of Colloid and Polymer Engineering Research Group
Research interests
Design and synthesis of functional colloidal and polymeric systems
Heterogeneous polymerisation
Emulsions and foams
Adsorption at surfaces and interfaces
Controlled and self-assembly of colloidal systems
Colloid particle manipulation using external forces (e.g. magnetic and electric fields)
Microencapsulation systems
Complex formulated products
Professional memberships
- Member of the Colloid & Surface Science Committee of the Royal Society of Chemistry
- Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry
- Member of the Society for Chemistry in Industry
Student education
Taught postgraduate lead.
Final year research project lead.
Research groups and institutes
- Complex Systems and Processes
- Institute of Process Research and Development
- Functional Materials
- Industrial Biotechnology and Bio-waste
<li><a href="//phd.leeds.ac.uk/project/887-the-physics-of-microgels-and-other-soft-colloids">The physics of microgels and other soft colloids</a></li>