Dr S Joseph Antony
- Position: Associate Professor
- Areas of expertise: Photonics for stress measurements and mechanics of materials, Multi-scale modelling and simulations, Particulate mechanics. Expanded details in: http://www.spanglefish.com/drsjosephantony/
- Email: S.J.Antony@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 2409
- Location: 237 Engineering Building
- Website: My Personal Site | My Other Personal Site | Googlescholar | Researchgate
Dr Antony is an Associate Professor at the School of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Leeds. His primary research interest is in the area of Particulate Mechanics and Physics, especially on the bulk behaviour of powders and grain under industrial process conditions as a function of particle-scale properties. He performs a number of inter-disciplinary research projects including in the area of biomechanics, using a wide range of computational tools such as DEM, FEM, theoretical and experimental procedures in his research.
He has obtained the prestigious MIT Young Researcher Fellowship Award for Exemplary Research in Computational Mechanics and has made several publications in reputed international journals and conference proceedings. He serves as a member of editorial boards for many international journals in his filed including Journal of Nanotechnology and Research Letters in Nano Technology, and also serves as a regular referee for several international journals, including Physical Review Letters and Physical Review E.
He has served as a guest editor for the Jl. Granular Matter and the lead editor of the book ‘Granular Materials: Fundamentals and Applications’, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, London in 2004. He is a member of many professional bodies worldwide. His research sponsors include EPSRC, Royal Society, DTI, ICI, BNFL, P&G, Pfizer, Borax Hosakawa Micron, Bridon International Ltd, Merck Sharp & Dohme, DuPont and Kayser-Threde. His biography is included in the Edition of Marquis Who's Who in the World and the Directory of International Biography Centre, Cambridge.
- Head Tutor of Year 2 Programmes in Chemical Engineering
- School Lead of Industrial Placements
Research interests
- Multiscale Modelling and Experiments
- Nano Mechanics, Micro Mechanics, Granular Materials and Powder Technology
- Mechanics of Space Materials and Design of Space Exploration Devices
- Sensing Stresses in Human Eye
- Building Structures from Wastes
- Diversity in Engineering and Inter-disciplinary Research
Research Skills:
- Multi-scale Modelling: DEM, FEM, MD Simulations and Theoretical Approaches in Particle Technology
- Multi-scale Experiments: Tomography Methods in Particle Technology including Photo Stress Analysis Tomography (PSAT), IR Tomography, PIV Tomography, AFM, Shear Cells, Inter-disciplinary Research and Diversity Issues in Engineering.
- PhD
- MSc(Engg)
- BE
Professional memberships
- European Society of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering (MESCMSE)
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (MASME)
- American Nano Society
- International Association of Engineers (MIAE)
- ASME AMD-MD (Applied Mechanics Division- Materials Division) Joint Committee on Constitutive Equations
- EPSRC College, UK
- Qatar Foundation
- Smart Materials, Surfaces and Structures Network, UK
- UK Chemistry Innovation Network
Student education
I teach the following subjects/areas: Engineering Science 1, Multi-scale Modelling, Design Projects and Research Projects (M.Eng and MSc levels).
Research groups and institutes
- Complex Systems and Processes
- Nuclear Leeds
- Applied Photon Science
- Functional Materials
- Centre for Computational Engineering