
Results 1 to 5 of 108 in School of Chemical and Process Engineering

MULTIform nuclear facility launch with Sheng Dai, Nick Plant, Alastair Baker, and Nora de Leeuw

The creation of a new cutting-edge facility has established the University of Leeds as the UK’s leading experimental nuclear institution in the field of multiphase fluid flow.

Air pollution

Harmful emissions from the industrial sector could be reduced by up to 85% across the world, according to new research.

An extremely thin slice of meteorite viewed through an electron microscope

Scientists have discovered chemical and molecular fingerprints of the early solar system inside a meteorite that landed in the UK.

Image of the Salters' Graduate Award winner Louisa Kamajaya outside the University of Leeds Great Hall at her Chemistry graduation ceremony.

Louisa Joceline Kamajaya, a graduate from the University of Leeds, has won the Salters' Graduate Award 2023, recognising her as one of the top 10 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering students in the UK.

A group shot of the student interns from the Summer Internship Scheme Celebrations 2023, stood in the Sir William Henry Bragg Building foyer.

Congratulations to all the students who took part in the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences Summer Internship Scheme this year.