Professor Bell's group paper wins award from American Ceramic Society

Professor Andrew Bell's research group have a paper which has been announced as the winner of the Edward C. Henry Award of the American Ceramic Society.
SCAPE PGR, Yang Li was first author on the paper titled, "The influence of oxygen vacancies on piezoelectricity in samarium-doped Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 ceramics" by Li Y., Borbely M., and Bell A. published in the Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 104, 2678 (2021).
The Edward C. Henry Award is given annually to an outstanding paper reporting original work in the Journal of the American Ceramic Society or the Bulletin during the previous calendar year on a subject related to electronic ceramics.
The winning paper is selected by the Committee on Awards and Scholarships and judged to reflect the best in originality of content, scientific and technical merit, and quality of the presentation.
The award will be presented at the Electronics Division business meeting at MS&T in Pittsburgh, Pa., USA on Monday, 10 October, 2022.