Honour for Professor Mojtaba Ghadiri at SCI Yorkshire and the Humber Group Annual Awards 2022

Professor Ghadiri gave a talk on triboelectrification phenomenon in powder processes.
Professor Mojtaba Ghadiri was presented with the Chemistry for Industry Award at the SCI Yorkshire and the Humber Group Annual Awards 2022.
The awards were presented on Wednesday 28th September at the University of York's Department of Chemistry. The event comprised 30-minute lectures by the award winners with a Q&A followed by a reception.
The awards brought together people from academia and industry who are involved in the innovation process and interested in the latest scientific and technological advances, with the award winners providing insight into their research and latest findings – Professor Ghadiri gave a talk on triboelectrification phenomenon in powder processes.
Professor Ghadiri received his award for the successful application of chemistry to enable or support sustainable industrial development in the region. The definition of industry includes not only traditional chemical companies, but also industries such as coatings, crop protection, environmental services, food, pharmaceuticals, plastics, and synthetic fibres.