Ghadiri Group Awarded at the Early Career International Particle Technology Forum 2022

The Ghadiri research group achieved great success at the Early Career International Particle Technology Forum 2022 (26th-27th May).
It follows the UK Particle Technology Forum series, which ran regularly from the late 1990s. A key feature of the forum is the IChemE Young Researcher Award competition, focusing on the development of early career researchers and scientists, alongside recent scientific developments aimed to extend beyond the UK to reach the international community.
Francesca Alfano, Domenica Braile (both SCAPE alumni) and Saba Saifoori (PGR) all received the following awards at the forum:
Francesca Alfano (above left) – 1st prize in the IChemE Young Researcher Award for her presentation on "Aerosolization in Carrier-Based DPI: A CFD-DEM Study", which covered the research work on Dry Powder Inhalers carried out during Francesca's PhD at the University of Calabria (Italy).
Domenica Braile (above middle) –2nd prize at the IChemE Young Researcher Poster Competition for her poster on "DEM modelling of granular materials swelling", and 'highly commended' among the video abstracts of the IChemE Young Researcher Award.
Saba Saifoori (above right) – 3rd prize for the IChemE Young Researcher Poster Competition for her poster on "Analysis of Particle Impact Damage by Material Point Method".
On their success, Professor Mojtaba Ghadiri said, "Congratulations goes to Francesca, Domenica and Saba for their outstanding technical quality and presentation at the forum."