
Results 31 to 35 of 35 in Research and innovation

Dr Cat Scott outside in a snowy woodland

“When people think about forests capturing carbon, they tend to focus on the tropical rainforests, like the Amazon,” says Dr Cat Scott.

Soil in a field

Researchers at the School of Chemical and Process Engineering have be awarded a White Rose Collaboration Fund for their work in creating low-carbon technologies.

nuclear power station floodlit at night

A Leeds-led partnership has received the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Industry-Academia Collaboration Award.

An electron microscope image which shows a single atom impurity within a material as a glowing yellow dot

New research proves it’s possible to detect that a single atom impurity is present in a material – using vibrational properties.

Pouring hot molten metal

Scientists at the Universities of Leeds and Sheffield have won £1.26 million funding to investigate ways to decarbonise the UK steel industry.