Dr Anuradha R Pallipurath awarded Royal Society Olga Kennard Fellowship

Dr Anuradha R Pallipurath from the School of Chemical and Process Engineering has been awarded the Royal Society Olga Kennard Fellowship.
This fellowship is equivalent to the Royal Society University Research Fellowships, and is awarded once every five years.
The Fellowship will be held for the duration of five years (2022-2027) and amounts to a value of £692,819.
It is an honour to be the recipient of a Fellowship in the name of Professor Olga Kennard (OBE FRS), the founder of the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre. I sincerely hope I can live up to that name.
Through this fellowship, Anu will develop new principles for the design of metastable therapeutics through an improved understanding of inter-molecular and non-covalent interactions.
To achieve this, she will be developing both in-house and synchrotron-based correlative imaging, scattering and spectroscopic techniques.
While this Fellowship will initially focus on pharmaceuticals, the combined approach will also address a persistent bottleneck in the characterisation of soft-matter systems in general.