Dr Eric Kumi Barimah
- Position: Experimental Officer
- Email: E.Kumi-Barimah@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 2540
- Location: 145 Engineering Building
B.Sc. In Physics, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science Technology, Ghana
M.Sc. Environmental Physics, University of Bremen, Germany
M.S. in Electrical Engineering, Colorado Technical University, U.S.A
PhD in Optical Physics, Hampton University, U.S.A
Research interests
Our group’s research is focused onUltrafast Laser Plasma Implantation (ULPI) - Seamless Integration of Functional Materials for Advanced Photonics (SeaMatics). The ULPI project will enable us to combine semiconductor, glass and polymer materials to create new optical integrated circuits (OICs). We aim to use this technology in the creation of manufacturable materials to meet the current demands of the optical communications as well as solid-state lighting and microphotonic sensors/imaging devices which are not obtainable by current techniques.
Prior to joining the School of Chemical and Process Engineering-University of Leeds, Dr Kumi-Barimah specialized in laser plasma spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, Laser-induced breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) in the Infrared region, development and characterization of rare earth ion doped low phonon energy materials (e.g. Potassium leads halides) for application in optical refrigeration (laser cooling) and other photonic applications at the University of Hampton, Virginia, USA, where he also worked as Postdoctoral Research Associate from October 2014 – June 2015.
<h4>Research projects</h4> <p>Some research projects I'm currently working on, or have worked on, will be listed below. Our list of all <a href="https://eps.leeds.ac.uk/dir/research-projects">research projects</a> allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.</p>