Ashley Victoria

Ashley Victoria


EPSRC funded PhD candidate with the Centre of Doctoral Training in Molecules to Product, with an educational background in Engineering and Fashion Design. I have seven years of experience as a fashion design in the clothing industry prior to pursuing my PhD. I am interested in how we can develop commericalliy viable, circular product development systems. 


Student Sustainability Architect – Sustainable Labs Program – Co-developed the Sustainable Labs Resource Hub Sharepoint.

BeCurious Fellow 2023-2024.

Research interests

I’m looking into the development of all-cellulose composites using end-of-life textiles and understanding the structure-property relationships of such materials. As a designer, I am fascinated by the structures of fabrics, and how different weaves can be used in clothing to give a different look, or feel. I’m keen to understand how this dynamic translates to non-textile materials. I’m keen to look at ways to reduce textile waste, and develop functional, recyclable materials that could replace those that are difficult to recycle. The concept of open-loop product development systems is of interest to me, and the importance of considering the commercial feasibility for novel technologies.


  • MEng (hons) Chemical Engineering
  • MSc (hons) Advanced Textiles & Performance Clothing
  • FdA Fashion Design Technology
  • IEMA Foundation Certificate in Environmental Management