Mohamed Suhooli

Mohamed Suhooli


I am a( GREEN) Nuclear – Growing skills for Reliable Economic Energy from Nuclear EPSRC funded. I graduated from Sudan University of Science and Technology in 2012 with a BSc in Engineering then worked as a process Engineer for multiple companies in Sudan. I graduated from Sudan University of science and technology in with an honour BSc degree in engineering in 2012. I have started my professional career since then as a process engineer for numerous companies in Sudan such as Energy, pharmaceutical, lubricants, food and detergents. I joined the University of Khartoum to pursue a MSc degree in chemical engineering from 2016 to 2018. The MSc project was about investigating the effect of a cracking catalyst namely Zeolite on the overall process in investigation, in terms of yield, energy used, quality of the products, cost, et cetera. In the United Kingdom, I also worked as a Process Engineer/ New Product Introduction Engineer for reputable companies up and down the country in mainly Atutomotive and Pharmaceutical industries. 

i joined the University of Leeds early this year as a postgraduate researcher working under Prof Frans Mullers’ supervision. Our Project titled ‘’ the Nuclear furnce’’ is a study of large-scale integration of chemical processing and nuclear heat. I will experimentally investigate the technology/reaction requirements for high temperature conversion of CO2 with sustainable hydrogen. The novelty in this project lies in the fact that the heat will be supplied through heat integration with a nuclear High Temperature Gas Reactor. A thorough review of nuclear reactors, nuclear energy process flowsheet, energy efficiency and capacity limitations should be examined to better understand heat integration pathways within the synthesis gas process. This process model will help understand the sustainability benefits (economic and environmental) of using nuclear heat in the reprocessing of CO2 currently destined for sequestration. The second aspect is to generate experimental design data to under pin the nuclear furnace concept. I will construct a 'Furnace' reactor to study heat transfer at high temperature using high pressure gases, demonstrate the ability to drive conversion of CO2 to CO and will experimentally characterise the reactor performance and generate the design data a large-scale reverse water shift system.


  • BSc (honour) in Engineering, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Sudan
  • MSc Chemical Engineering, the University of Khartoum, Sudan