Imad Saket

What have you been doing since finishing your studies? What are you doing in terms of your career?

Applying what i have learnt in my school; working in solar energy field

What company are you currently working for, what is your role and what does it involve?

I work for Yellow Door which is a renewable energy company. I'm a solar energy engineer responsible for designing a Photovoltaic systems and supervising its installation.

Looking back, why did you choose to study your particular course and why did you choose the University of Leeds?

The reason behind studying Renewable Energy, is due to its high potential in our region (3rd work developing country) where we lack natural energy sauce and seeking alternative energy sources; such as Solar energy. After obtaining my BEng from leeds university and saw their well educated and professional level of teaching in my department (Electronic and Electrical Engineering), I decided to pursue my Masters in the same Uni.

What other activities outside of your studies were you involved in?

I worked on issuing a revised Law for the renewable energy systems and their application, since at that time renewable energy systems where just a talk on papers - at its early stages

What advice would you give to students thinking about choosing the same area of study at Leeds or thinking about the same career?

Currently the world is shifting to a clean energy sources and sustain it. Solar Energy and other renewable energy systems are now the target in any country where they secure their energy needs with those alternative systems. Having such a degree will be a valuable asset for your country, specially if coming from a 3rd world countries or a country with limited energy resources.